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Brief introduction of Eight Mile River Provincial Nature Reserve

Date:2017-02-16  Views:10830

Basic situation and current situation evaluation

Basic situation: location and range

Anhui province is located in the northwest area of the river in eight nature reserves, at the confluence of the Yinghe River and Huaihe, the geographical coordinates of the East size 116? 1 '- 116? 40', 27 '- latitude 32? 32? 54', across the county, eight towns, eight river, Wang Gang, gang, half Ying River, Sheng Tong, Hang Kong, Guan Tun, Sai Jian eight townships, eight River Nature Reserve in the river in eight as the center, the area known as the "one river and two lakes", namely the Eight Mile River, Lake Dai, Zhangjiawan, Qiu Jiahu, Tang Duo lake, three lakes, five in the the lake, the total population of 330 thousand people

Natural conditions: Geology and geomorphology

The Eight Mile River is actually an inland lake, at the confluence of Huaihe and Ying river. Because of the overflow of the Yellow River and Huaihe in history, sediment deposits, deposits and stagnant water eventually formed. The soil around the Li River Lake area is mostly brown soil. The parent material of the soil is loess ancient river sediment. The bottom of the lake is flat, and the bottom of the soil belongs to the old silt soil, and the silt is deep in the eight layers.

Eight Li River Nature Reserve has typical wetland features: the Eight Mile River Lake winding, east-west length of about 5 kilometers, north-south width of 2 km average, the widest 3 km, Lake perimeter 49.5 km, 1000 hectares of normal water surface. The Eight Mile River dam top an average altitude of 25.2 meters, the lake bed flat, with an average altitude of 18.5 meters high, around the lake with an average altitude of 22 meters. The Eight Mile River terrain mostly hillock, slope, Lake WA, the northeast South Pu swamp area of 20 hectares, with 200 hectares of water into southeast Wei, Western Wei especially lake marsh 33.3 hectares, southwest Wang Wei swamp area of 26.7 hectares. In natural wetland, there are mainly intertidal flat land and lake shore wetland. The river wetland formed by seasonal flood and flood depression, Lake wetland formed by water level fluctuation. Although there are obvious differences in the genetic types of wetlands, and each has its own ecological characteristics, but they all have the following characteristics:

A. in space is often distributed in the transition zone of water and land junction;

B. shows temporal alternation of dry and wet cycles in time;

C. is a unique ecosystem in which water, land and environment interact and depend on each other and have both water and land features.

The Eight Mile River wetland not only has all the features in the spatial distribution and ecological characteristics, and wetland area (i.e. the water level fluctuating zone and its adjacent shallow water) accounted for eight in the river area in eight river wetland most suitable wintering habitat for migratory birds, migratory birds, but mainly concentrated in the eight river in a lake of two lakes, eight in addition to the River Nature Reserve for migratory wintering habitat environment, but also here is that human economic activities less (compared with other regions), basically retains the structure and function of the natural wetland, and has the basic characteristics of typical wetland.

Characteristics of sedimentary geomorphology in Li Li River Nature Reserve, eight:

The Eight Mile River is actually an inland lake, at the confluence of Huaihe and Ying river. Because of the overflow of the Yellow River and Huaihe in history, sediment deposits, deposits and stagnant water eventually formed.

Climate: the eight rivers in warm temperate to subtropical transition zone, four seasons, the average annual rainfall is 923.8mm, under the influence of monsoon climate, precipitation with seasonal and interannual variation in summer, less in spring autumn. Duoqiu, more than 2213.3 hours of sunshine hours, solar radiation in total 5.02 * 10J / cm2. The Eight Mile River Lake by three Chong Ying River cut-off gate and Ying River is built around the water, mainly to undertake natural precipitation. The abundant rainfall in the eight lakes area, a small amount of evaporation, water level kept 19.5m. Rich in calories, abundant rainfall, long frost free period, the four seasons.

Temperature: reserve the annual average temperature of 15.1 degrees, the interannual variation between 14 and 16.1 degrees C, July average temperature of the heat of 28.1 degrees Celsius, the coldest month average temperature of 1.1 degrees, the maximum temperature of 41.2 degrees (August 8, 1996), the extreme minimum temperature of - 22.8 DEG C; the average years (January 31, 1919) period of 221 days.

Sunshine: the sunshine in the reserve is enough, and the average sunshine hours is 2213. 3 hours, the most in August, the least in February. Last year the average maximum temperature of 0.3 DEG C lower than on land, and in January the average temperature of about 0.5 DEG C higher than on land, the water temperature is generally higher than the air temperature, the maximum temperature may exceed 4 degrees, but the water temperature in the period between 14:00 - 16:00 lower than the air temperature, temperature of not more than 1 DEG C.

Radiation: the total annual radiation amount of protected area is 45000 * 106J/m2, except for July, all other months are scattered radiation larger than direct radiation. This is formed by the interaction of the eight in the river water effect and eight river depression effect.

Wind: Eight Mile River Nature Reserve greater wind speed, northerly wind direction mainly. The average wind speed is 3.9 meters per second, the maximum wind speed is 12-17 meters per second, rarely exceeding 13.9 meters per second.

Precipitation: the annual precipitation in protected area is 923.8mm (maximum value appears in 1991, minimum value appears in 1962), rainfall is abundant, but time distribution is uneven, precipitation mainly concentrates in 5-7 months, accounting for 47.4% of the whole year. 11-1 is less rainfall and rainfall throughout the year accounted for only 9.9%.

Relative humidity: the protected area is semi humid and the relative humidity in the area is stable. 3-6 month relative humidity is bigger, in 82% above; October to next year in January is small, under 78%; the annual average relative humidity is 80%.

Soil: according to the requirements of migratory birds for habitat, the soil in the Eight Mile River Nature Reserve is divided into two types: migratory bird habitat, soil and non habitat soil, respectively.

(1) migratory bird habitat soil: migratory bird habitat, soil can be divided into post slope soil, marsh soil


























Benthic animal: benthic animal are mainly water earthworm, limnodrilushoffmeisteri, 181.41, c.fluminea, chironomid larvae, Lake mussels, freshwater mussels, and shrimp and crab.

Fishes: the Eight Mile River fish fauna is based on the Chinese plain complex, plus more than 50 new species introduced in recent years. Artificial fish on the green grass, silver carp and bighead carp in the lake as the dominant species. The main Fish River in eight list as follows: carp, crucian carp, silver carp, bighead, grass carp, black carp, catfish, Squaliobarbus, opsariichthys, Changchun bream, bream, fish, red fish, bream, tube Mongolia red, silver, blue, slightly red culter swimbladder meal, fish oil, meal, red scaly oblique jaw Gu, Huang Weigu, 2007, silver spines beside the Striped thorns, tidepool thorns, Pseudorasbora parva, snake sentence, Abbottina rivularis, blacktip, paracanthobrama, loach, Cobitis, catfish, catfish, eel, eel, long kiss, needle fish, fish, spot fish, snakehead, Lake anchovy, whitebait, whitebait.

Amphibians and reptiles: mainly Chinese toad, frog, frog, Rana nigromaculata, China Enhydris, turtle.

Bird: according to preliminary observation, the Eight Mile River has 12 families and 57 species of birds, birds, migratory birds for the swan, geese, wild duck and wintering waterfowl, including a national animal protection of Red Crowned Crane etc..

Phytoplankton: because of the obvious difference of climate between the eight seasons of winter and summer in the two seasons, the species and quantity of phytoplankton are obviously different, so the phytoplankton samples are collected two times in winter and summer, and the quantitative statistical results are shown in table 2. After identification, there are 80 species of phytoplankton in eight Li River, of which 16 species are blue-green algae, 19 are green algae, 24 are diatoms, 5 are yellow algae, 5 are naked algae, 6 are dinoflagellates, and 5 are golden algae. Diatom is dominant species, and other quantities are green algae, algae, yellow algae, dinoflagellate, golden algae and algae. We have found the two survey of 24 phytoplankton species were recorded as follows: blue algae: lacustrine Oscillatoria, methodsurname gum algae, Synechococcus, Kirschner's bottom glue micro algae, Lagrange quasi Anabaena, Lin algae, minimum glue sp.. Green: Lushi tape algae, Pichia capricornutum, Kim, focus in Chlamydomonas and Volvox columnar Scenedesmus, ANKISTRODESMUS, algae and algae to cross a new moon. Green algae, diatoms fragilaria star Cyclotella, gorgeous Surirella and fine star rod, needle bar algae algae. The golden algae: deformed golden algae and cylindrical cone algae. The naked algae: gram element bare fungus, blood red bare algae.

Table eight in 2 Yingshang County River phytoplankton quantitative statistics





























Aquatic vascular plants: eight in aquatic vascular plant species and quantity are not very rich, according to the survey, there are 21 main types of potamogetoncrispus. Hydrilla verticillata, p.malaianus, najadaceae, n.minor, v.spiralis, horworts aquaticum. Which was the dominant species of Potamogeton crispus, Hydrilla verticillata, p.malaianus, Glycyrrhetinic, all over the lake, coverage of more than 70%.

The list of aquatic vascular plants are as follows: Ping, cattail, Crispus and p.malaianus, water bamboo, najadaceae, arrowhead, Hydrilla verticillata, Vallisneria spiralis, turtles, Dong Qian grass, silvergrass, mushroom, reed, Scirpus yagara, Scirpus Tabernaemontani, dry seedlings, Polygonum trapaincisa, Ceratophyllum demersum, poly grass.

Agricultural and sideline products resources: eight Li River in the warm temperate zone to the subtropical transition zone, four distinct seasons. Crop products are very rich. The main grain crops are rice, wheat, soybeans, corn, red taro, broad beans, mung beans, cowpea and so on. Economic crops are mainly kenaf, rapeseed, peanuts, tobacco, strawberry, lotus root, green onions, garlic, pool water, sesame, vegetables etc.. Eight Li River rice has been regarded as pollution-free green food. Rice, pond lotus root, strawberry and other agricultural and sideline products are sold throughout the country. Crops are grown locally throughout the country.

Living Services: towns (towns) have opened some restaurants, shops and salons, and by the end of 2005, the living services of eight Li Town had reached 286.

Forestry: eight Li He Zhen realized farmland, rivers, canals and forest, forest, village, manor school enterprise of garden, tree lined roads, the town has formed a point, line, surface and body the organic unity of the green system. The forest coverage rate has reached 26%. The good ecological function and the increase of forest coverage effectively improved the microclimate of farmland, reduced the evaporation of soil moisture, improved the relative humidity of air, and enhanced the ability to withstand natural disasters. At the same time, trees provide a good habitat for birds. Forest land 4000 acres, of which 2000 acres of land in the orchard, a major fruit pear, apple, apricot, grape, jujube, persimmon, 2002 total forestry output value of 3 million 800 thousand yuan, in the area of forestry resources distribution in the town, with the formation of multi species of poplar, Paulownia Trees as the main body, multi-level three-dimensional ecological shelterbelt network. Rate of more than 95%. In the area of all land has been utilized according to their respective characteristics, suitable for farming, forest should be Zelin, basically no land, because of proper protection, no land degradation. But due to the large amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application, less organic, cause soil compaction and part nutrient imbalance, several rounds of kiln most reclamation. In 1995 the per capita net income of 2089 yuan, the living expenditure of 1086.2 yuan, the production expenditure of 599.5 yuan, the culture and education expenditure of 150.5 yuan, the medical insurance expenditure of 114.6 yuan, tax expenditure 121.9 yuan, other 12.6 yuan, accounted for 52.2% of the total expenditure, 28.7%, 7.2%, 5.5%, 5.8% and 0.6%.

Community development:


Forestry: eight Li He Zhen realized farmland, rivers, canals and forest, forest, village, manor school enterprise of garden, tree lined roads, the town has formed a point, line, surface and body the organic unity of the green system. The forest coverage rate has reached 26%. The good ecological function and the increase of forest coverage effectively improved the microclimate of farmland, reduced the evaporation of soil moisture, improved the relative humidity of air, and enhanced the ability to withstand natural disasters. At the same time, trees provide a good habitat for birds. Forest land 4000 acres, of which 2000 acres of land in the orchard, a major fruit pear, apple, apricot, grape, jujube, persimmon, 2002 total forestry output value of 3 million 800 thousand yuan, in the area of forestry resources distribution in the town, with the formation of multi species of poplar, Paulownia Trees as the main body, multi-level three-dimensional ecological shelterbelt network. Rate of more than 95%. In the area of all land has been utilized according to their respective characteristics, suitable for farming, forest should be Zelin, basically no land, because of proper protection, no land degradation. But due to the large amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application, less organic, cause soil compaction and part nutrient imbalance, several rounds of kiln most reclamation. In 1995 the per capita net income of 2089 yuan, the living expenditure of 1086.2 yuan, the production expenditure of 599.5 yuan, the culture and education expenditure of 150.5 yuan, the medical insurance expenditure of 114.6 yuan, tax expenditure 121.9 yuan, other 12.6 yuan, accounted for 52.2% of the total expenditure, 28.7%, 7.2%, 5.5%, 5.8% and 0.6%.

Community development:

Education: the basic educational conditions in the reserve are more advanced. One administrative village has a primary school, and there are kindergartens or preschools, and three junior middle schools in the town government.

Medical and health: the township (town) government offices are located in the village, the village has rural medical cooperation room.

Cultural life: most of the townships (towns) have cultural stations, broadcasting stations and satellite ground receiving stations.

Traffic is convenient: eight in town, vigorously develop social undertakings, strengthen infrastructure construction, the town built reinforced concrete road 3 50 kilometers, asphalt road 3, the design of the water supply for 6000t/d tap water factory 2, has developed 2 markets, built up to 2000 meters long commercial street. Every village passes the oil road, the town market is built, the infrastructure is complete, and the public facilities are available.

Communication: the community, township (town) government is located in a telecommunications branch office, installed a program-controlled telephone exchange. Wired telephone access to farmers, wireless coverage of rural areas.

Water supply: eight in the town of flood control and drainage, irrigation and other water conservancy facilities has begun to take shape in the town of flood dam a total length of 30 kilometers, the town built electric pumping station 31, the total installed capacity of 1650 kilowatts, supporting various culvert 16, the basic realization of all the farmland irrigation.

Tourism: tourism is a new industry, also known as sunrise industry. The Eight Mile River Tourism from the original opening in May 1, 1996 of the South Lake Park, with only less than 10 years, the development of a national AAAA class tourist area, is the only national tourist area, now developed into 160 million fixed assets, about 500000 annual tourists, ticket income amounted to 5 million 680 thousand yuan, from the industry's revenue more than third the industry's revenue, become Huaibei pearl, the formation of "Anhui Tourism in Fuyang, Fuyang tourism Yingshang" pattern. Yingshang became the cornerstone of the development of Fuyang River in eight to become the engine of the development of yingshang.

History and legal status: the history of the century in 70s, due to the impact of human economic activities, changing the global number of white naped crane natural landscape declined sharply, to the extent of the critically endangered, attaches great importance to the whole world. From 2000 onwards, has been extensively investigated in Animal Research Institute of Anhui agricultural endangered animal investigation group Wang Qishan, He Shanchun, Zhou Xiaochun, on April 2001 in the river in eight (eight of the core area in the River Nature Reserve now found only 91 white naped crane).

The same year, the Anhui Provincial Forestry Department organized eight river expedition of eight birds, the birds in the area were systematically investigated. 2000 found the white naped crane 148, are located in the river in eight of the 5 lake. Therefore, the Anhui Provincial People's Government in April 2001 approved the establishment of Anhui province in the eight River Nature Reserve, and to determine the scope of "eight River Nature Reserve, with eight in the river as the center, including Zhangjiawan, Qiu Jiahu, Tang Duohu, Dai lake, the lake. The total area is about 360000 mu".

Legal status: in 2001, the Anhui Provincial People's Government approved the establishment of the Eight Mile River Nature reserve. In 1993, the United Nations Environment Program was named "the 500 best in the world""

Assessment of the status quo: natural ecological quality evaluation: eight River Nature Reserve is an important wintering white naped cranes and other rare birds and birds in transit stopover: every year at the highest number of wintering area protection up to more than 2800 white naped crane (accounting for about 95% of the total world crane), Hongyan more than 30000, is currently the winter group known the largest and the location of the white naped crane hongyan. In addition, the species and quantity of wintering waterfowl in the Eight Mile River Nature Reserve indicate the condition of wetland ecosystem in the reserve, which is the biological indicator of the wetland system of the eight mile river. Fill ground water: water from the Eight Mile River can seep from the wetland to underground aquifers and recharge groundwater. Flood control: the Eight Mile River receives 487 square kilometres of water from the upper reaches of the river and retains nutrients: the soil and plants in the wetland can store nutrients to avoid eutrophication caused by pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the downstream. Biomass output: the Eight Mile River wetland provides rich aquatic plants for migratory birds, fish and livestock, and provides rich fertilizer and fuel for the local population. Stable microclimate: the hydrological, nutrient, material cycling and energy flow of the eight Li River water body has an important stabilizing effect on the climate of the lake region and even the whole Ying River and Huaihe.

Area management level protection assessment: protected areas through years of construction and development, especially through the implementation of GEF project and the relocation project, protection, scientific research, education, community management and other aspects of the management level has been greatly improved, the rules are more complete, good relationship with the local community. However, due to the lack of scientific nature of the protection zone construction, the 5 scattered lakes and the 3 bay between them are considered as a whole, which is conducive to the effective protection, management and monitoring of all the protected objects in the districts and districts.

Economic evaluation of protection: the Eight Mile River is a closed lake, general level is higher than the surrounding Yinghe River, Huaihe, and the bar gate dam installed to prevent water pollution into the lake, to ensure that no contamination. Eight in the town in the development process, focusing on the protection of the river in eight lakes, through the adjustment of planting structure and industrial structure, the development of non pollution of township enterprises, the implementation of rice fish and other measures to reduce the amount of pesticide application, effective in protecting the quality of the lake water. The Eight Mile River Lake is silt, flat bottom, rain alluvial organic matter inflow, and uniform distribution, but the area is large, winter sun tan long time, rapid decomposition of organic matter, is conducive to water and winter bud germination update. The suitable conditions provide a favorable winter environment for the growth of aquatic plants. Dominant species of phytoplankton, planktonic animal were diatoms and rotifers, they provide enough food for aquatic organisms such as fish and waterfowl, Potamogeton malaianus and other types of food, and distribution of aquatic vascular plants and herbivorous fish's favorite foods. In recent years, the river in eight to focus on the development of ecological culture, follow the principle of ecology, to supplement and improve the food chain, and the method by using the three-dimensional breeding ponds built green feed, chicken and other pig fish breeding structure, maintaining ecological balance, to achieve a virtuous circle, also make the water self purification ability to further strengthen.

The same year, the Anhui Provincial Forestry Department organized eight river expedition of eight birds, the birds in the area were systematically investigated. 2000 found the white naped crane 148, are located in the river in eight of the 5 lake. Therefore, the Anhui Provincial People's Government in April 2001 approved the establishment of Anhui province in the eight River Nature Reserve, and to determine the scope of "eight River Nature Reserve, with eight in the river as the center, including Zhangjiawan, Qiu Jiahu, Tang Duohu, Dai lake, the lake. The total area is about 360000 mu".

Legal status: in 2001, the Anhui Provincial People's Government approved the establishment of the Eight Mile River Nature reserve. In 1993, the United Nations Environment Program was named "the 500 best in the world""

Assessment of the status quo: natural ecological quality evaluation: eight River Nature Reserve is an important wintering white naped cranes and other rare birds and birds in transit stopover: every year at the highest number of wintering area protection up to more than 2800 white naped crane (accounting for about 95% of the total world crane), Hongyan more than 30000, is currently the winter group known the largest and the location of the white naped crane hongyan. In addition, the species and quantity of wintering waterfowl in the Eight Mile River Nature Reserve indicate the condition of wetland ecosystem in the reserve, which is the biological indicator of the wetland system of the eight mile river. Fill ground water: water from the Eight Mile River can seep from the wetland to underground aquifers and recharge groundwater. Flood control: the Eight Mile River receives 487 square kilometres of water from the upper reaches of the river and retains nutrients: the soil and plants in the wetland can store nutrients to avoid eutrophication caused by pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the downstream. Biomass output: the Eight Mile River wetland provides rich aquatic plants for migratory birds, fish and livestock, and provides rich fertilizer and fuel for the local population. Stable microclimate: the hydrological, nutrient, material cycling and energy flow of the eight Li River water body has an important stabilizing effect on the climate of the lake region and even the whole Ying River and Huaihe.

Area management level protection assessment: protected areas through years of construction and development, especially through the implementation of GEF project and the relocation project, protection, scientific research, education, community management and other aspects of the management level has been greatly improved, the rules are more complete, good relationship with the local community. However, due to the lack of scientific nature of the protection zone construction, the 5 scattered lakes and the 3 bay between them are considered as a whole, which is conducive to the effective protection, management and monitoring of all the protected objects in the districts and districts.

Economic evaluation of protection: the Eight Mile River is a closed lake, general level is higher than the surrounding Yinghe River, Huaihe, and the bar gate dam installed to prevent water pollution into the lake, to ensure that no contamination. Eight in the town in the development process, focusing on the protection of the river in eight lakes, through the adjustment of planting structure and industrial structure, the development of non pollution of township enterprises, the implementation of rice fish and other measures to reduce the amount of pesticide application, effective in protecting the quality of the lake water. The Eight Mile River Lake is silt, flat bottom, rain alluvial organic matter inflow, and uniform distribution, but the area is large, winter sun tan long time, rapid decomposition of organic matter, is conducive to water and winter bud germination update. The suitable conditions provide a favorable winter environment for the growth of aquatic plants. Dominant species of phytoplankton, planktonic animal were diatoms and rotifers, they provide enough food for aquatic organisms such as fish and waterfowl, Potamogeton malaianus and other types of food, and distribution of aquatic vascular plants and herbivorous fish's favorite foods. In recent years, the river in eight to focus on the development of ecological culture, follow the principle of ecology, to supplement and improve the food chain, and the method by using the three-dimensional breeding ponds built green feed, chicken and other pig fish breeding structure, maintaining ecological balance, to achieve a virtuous circle, also make the water self purification ability to further strengthen.

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